Facebook Canvas: The New Immersive Ad Platform
Facebook Canvas: The New Immersive Ad Platform is an advertising platform specifically targeted at mobile users. Enhancing the mobile experience will ensure that businesses are making the most of their mobile traffic – and not missing out on converting new customers.
Website Design Tips to Improve SEO
Looking for website design tips to improve SEO? Search engine optimisation is integral to the planning, design and development of a website from day one.
4 Reasons Customer Experience is Key to your Content Strategy
When devising your content strategy, customer experience should be at the core of your content creation. The effect your content has on your customers can lead your customers to take the desired call to action.
How Twitter Algorithmic Feed Affects Social Media Marketing
Last month saw a major change in the way Twitter displays content in users feeds. Twitter announced that they were switching to an algorithmic feed, similar to that of Facebook and most recently Instagram.
What do Google AdWords Changes Mean for Businesses?
Google’s recent announcement that it was making changes to the way it displayed its AdWords results has had the marketing world in a spin. So what is all the fuss about and what do the changes to AdWords really mean for your business?
Facebook Reactions and Other New Social Media Features
In recent months there have been a number of new features added to our favourite social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The biggest one being the Facebook Reactions, but what are the other new features and how can they be used as part of your social media marketing and what are the benefits of them for your business?
Ways to Improve Customer Retention
While we agree that gaining new customers is great for business and does play an important role, your marketing efforts will be wasted if your customers do not keep coming back.
Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016
Mobile usage has proved it is more than just a fad. Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices have changed the way we use the internet. You need to incorporate mobile marketing into your digital strategy.
Driving Traffic to your Website: SEO and PPC
If you are looking to drive traffic to your website via digital marketing there are two main options available; SEO and PPC. One method may be better suited to your needs than the other.